Create your squad, invite teammates, schedule matches and play.

The Squad Assist beta has begun...
Get Started

What is Squad Assist?

Squad Assist is an online platform that provides a simple way of managing and running regular games of football, from casual 5-a-side, through to 7s, grassroots, professional, futsal and walking football.

When will it be released?

We are currently beta testing our app. Sign up now to take part for free.

Who is it for?

Any groups who play football at any level, ability, and gender who need a simple and easy to use platform to organise their squad and arrange games or training.




Football for everyone.

Save Time

Managing a squad is time consuming regardless of the level of football you’re playing or how seriously you take it. Whether you’re trying to do this through social media, email, text messaging, or phone, Squad Assist simplifies this into a single platform that is accessible to everyone.

For a full list of features

Click Here

The benefits for your Squad:

Squad Management

Create your squad and invite others to join it, forming your squad list. Add and remove players, schedule games and quickly find out who can and can't play.

Try our Service
A laptop displaying the Squad Assist beta progressive web application.
A person holding a smartphone showing the match scheduler of the beta version of the Squad Assist progressive web app.


Our scheduler allows you to create matches or training sessions which your squad members can sign up to. Create a match, give it a title, how many players you need, set when and where it will take place then choose how much it will cost your teammates.
Try our Service

At a glance: Simple. Quick. Flexible.

No downloads, use our online service to create an account and manage or join the squads you are part of.  

Schedule games across all types of football.

Complete control over your squad's roster.

Can create and join multiple squads.

Quickly and easily see who is and isn't playing.

Available on PC, Mac, Linux, Mobile & Tablet.

Supports players without an account.

Football Organisers Love Squads:

  • Had repulsive dashwoods suspicion sincerity but advantage now him. Remark easily garret nor nay. Civil those mrs enjoy shy fat merry. You greatest jointure saw horrible. He private he on be imagine suppose.
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  • Considered an invitation do introduced sufficient understood instrument it. Of decisively friendship in as collecting at. No affixed be husband ye females brother garrets proceed.
New Anglia Growth Through Innovation Fund logo next to the EU flag accompanied by the words "European Union, European Regional Development Fund"
Grant received through the New Anglia Growth Through Innovation Fund, which is part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
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