For the administrators, the people who book the pitch, the people who spend their free time organising these games. You will be interested in:
Sign up and create your squad for free.
Invite friends, family, colleagues and teammates to your squad.
Ability to add guests to your matches, meaning not everyone needs an account.
Real time updates for your entire Squad.
Getting an earlier indication that you might need to cancel your block booking.
Available across PC, Mobile, & Tablets via the web or installed as a progressive web application.
Core Features:
For Organisers
For Players
Creating Squads
Once you have signed up and verified your account, you can create a squad from the "Create or join a Squad" menu. Give your squad an easily identifable name and you're good to go.
Managing Your Squad
Invite players to join your newly created squad by using the "Invite to Squad" button. This generates a unique link that you can send to anyone. When clicked, players will be asked to log in or create an account, after which they will need to be approved on your squad's player list before they have access to it.
Scheduling Games
Go to the event tab for your squad to schedule a game, this could be a match, a casual kick around, training or anything you can think of. These events will then also appear on your squad player's event list for them to sign up to.
Managing Your Teamsheets
With your squad players signing up to the next match you can start preparing who you will want to play by confirming them via the app.
Join Squads
Get an invite code from your team's organiser to join their squad.
Playing Matches
Sign up to the matches your squad organiser schedules on the squad calendar. You can also sync this to your smartphone.
Planning Your Week
Have a Squad set up for each game of the week you play, to get a complete overview of when you're playing, what times, what locations, how much to pay.
Payments (Unavailable in the beta)
Pay your match fee from within the app. This will allow you to track when you've payed, as well as keeping a record of your payment history to see how much you're spending weekly, monthly, and yearly.