Welcome to the blog

Author: Tom
Date: 17 June 2022

To kick things off for the first post on our website and to welcome you to the blog, let’s have a look at what we will be using this section for. We want to create content across three categories to begin with. These will form the main topics for our blog:


First and foremost, development posts will share any updates we make to the app, usually known as patch notes. We’ll also use this category to preview upcoming features and to share our ideas of what we plan to implement in the future. When the beta is launched later this year it will have a limited set of features, but we already know what we want to add to it. These posts will help us keep you in the loop about them.


With this section we will discuss topics related to sport, such as football tactics, or sharing people’s stories about how they got into sport. The aim of these posts will be to help new players into football and give fresh ideas to experienced players. We have many years of experience playing small sided football, that’s games where you have less than the standard 11-a-side according to Football England. Basically, anything from 4 vs 4 up to 9 vs 9. As a result, we have invented our own ways of thinking about small sided games and plan to share these on here. We’re also considering producing posts on fitness, technique and training drills, mentality, and nutrition, to offer a complete guide for those looking to improve areas of their game.

A 7-a-side tactics board showing how attacking and defending sides might position themselves on the football pitch.
This tactics board is ready to demonstrate attacking and defending 7-a-side positional setups. This is the sort of thing you can expect from the sport section of the blog.


From time to time, we may provide updates about us as a business. These are things we feel are important to share but aren’t necessarily related to the app, such as, posts getting to know us, sponsoring athletes or teams, and milestones achieved. Speaking of which, the app is currently in the alpha testing stage and the next milestone will be the open public beta test in the autumn of 2022. We will be announcing details about this soon.

Over time we may decide we need to add more tags. To keep up to date with our blog please head over and follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter. This concludes our introduction to the blog and the three categories we plan to create content for.

New Anglia Growth Through Innovation Fund logo next to the EU flag accompanied by the words "European Union, European Regional Development Fund"
Grant received through the New Anglia Growth Through Innovation Fund, which is part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
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