Open Beta Launch

Author: Tom
Date: 12 November 2022

It's Time to Squad Up

For those of you following our progress you will know that we announced the beta back in September. After a slight delay resolving a few technical issues, we are excited to confirm that the Squad Assist beta has officially started this week. For those of you who have received your invite, this post takes you through how to get started, the known issues with the beta version of the app, and how to send us your feedback.

If you would like to be part of the open beta you can sign up at

Getting Started

Squad Assist is a website that behaves like an app. This means you won't find us on an app store just yet, but instead you need to use the website we’ve sent you the link to, each time you want to use it. It is, however, possible to download the web app on a range of devices (PC, Mac, ChromeOS, Linux, iOS and Android). Check the installation guide on our website for more details on how to do this.

Once you have created your account you will be ready to join squads or create new ones. Creating a new squad means you are the organiser (admin) for that squad. To invite teammates, press the Invite to Squad button at the bottom of the players tab of a squad you are admin of. This copies a link to your device's clipboard that you can send in an email, text, or message. Players who click this link without a Squad Assist account will be taken through the account creation process first. You will then have to manually accept each player before they are able to see the player list and events.

The Squad Assist Closed Beta app UI, displaying the squad and player lists, buttons to accept players waiting to join, creating a new squad, and inviting new players to a squad.

With players invited and accepted, you can then use the event tab to schedule your games. After creating an event you will see the event card listed on that tab. Use the view details button to see who has signed up, then you can manage the team sheet, selecting who is playing, adding stand ins, and confirming whether the game is on.

The Squad Assist Closed Beta UI, displaying a demo group, and the admin's screen for managing a team sheet.

Known Issues

Here is a list of issues and missing features to be aware of with the Squad Assist open beta. We will be addressing these with future updates:

  1. Routing: The app should automatically redirect you to another page after completing some actions (such as deleting a squad). The majority of the issues with this have been fixed but some might still remain.
  2. Mobile phone keyboard: This can cause layout and usability issues on certain menus when visible, such as when adding a stand-in on the manage teamsheet screen.
  3. Real time updates: The app doesn’t always update in real time. You won’t see any new signups, or events until you either refresh the page or load a new one if you have the app or website open.
  4. No match history: Events will disappear from the app as soon as they have started. A new section allowing you to view past events will be added.
  5. Group administration: You’re not able to change your squad’s name, change who is the group admin, nor can you remove people from your squad once they have joined.
  6. General user options: There are a few things missing that you would normally expect from an app. There is no “forgotten password” feature or account deletion options for example.
  7. No match payments: It’s not possible to pay your match fee through the app. This is a feature listed on our website and will be something we add in the future. However, it won’t be available during the initial phase of the beta.


We would really value your input on every aspect of the app. Especially any issues you find, things that you feel don't work well, and suggestions for features you want to see added.

We specifically want to hear from Squad organisers about the team sheet management section and the process of confirming sign ups. As well as anyone with a visual impairment who can test our themes. We’ve used simulators to help us design these, but they are no match for feedback from you.

You can send us your feedback in lots of different ways:

Finally, we’ll also send out a feedback survey to everyone who participates in the beta. We look forward to hearing what you think of the Squad Assist app.

New Anglia Growth Through Innovation Fund logo next to the EU flag accompanied by the words "European Union, European Regional Development Fund"
Grant received through the New Anglia Growth Through Innovation Fund, which is part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
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