How do I install Squad Assist?

Our service is available through your web browser and also as a downloadable progressive web application.
We commonly refer to Squad Assist as being an app, and normally people assume this means it’s a mobile phone app that they can get from a store. This isn’t the case, for the time being anyway. Squad Assist is a progressive web application (PWA). We won’t bore you with the technicalities – just think of it as a website that behaves like an app that you can either run through your browser or install on to most devices.

Installing the app

On PC, ChromeOS, Mac or Linux, you will need to be running either Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge. On any page of the Squad Assist website, look for the download icon at the end of the address bar. Clicking this will prompt you as to whether you want to install Squad Assist. Doing so adds the Squad Assist app to your desktop. See below for an example of how it looks on Microsoft Edge.
To install the PWA on an Android phone, look out for the message asking if you want to add this to your home screen. This downloads Squad Assist directly to your phone’s app list. 

You can still download the app even if you dismiss the add to home screen pop-up. On Chrome, click the ellipsis icon (3 dots) in the top right to open the browser settings, where you will find an option to install it.

Once installed, tap the app icon to launch Squad Assist rather than opening a web browser and navigating to our website.
Step by step instructions on how to install Squad Assist on your mobile via Google Chrome browser.
For iPhone and iPad users, you need to be using Safari as your web browser. Whilst on any page of our app, use the share button at the bottom of your screen to open the browser options. Choose the Add to Home Screen option and follow the on-screen instructions to install the app on your iOS device.

As of October 2022, you can install the Squad Assist app on:

Windows 7, 8, 10 & 11, macOS, ChromeOS, and Linux via Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge web browsers.
iPhone & iPad via the Safari browser only.
Android phones & tablets via Chrome, Edge and Firefox browsers. Other web browsers from the likes of Samsung and Huawei support PWA installs too.

You can’t install Squad Assist on:

Games consoles (although we might support Xbox eventually via the Microsoft Store), smart TVs, smartwatches, cars, or any other internet connected device. But who knows, maybe in five years’ time we’ll all be signing up to our weekly football games from our fridge.

If you can’t install the app on your device

Don’t worry, you don’t need to. Squad Assist has the exact same experience whether you’re accessing it via your web browser or using the downloaded app version. As long as you have an internet connection, you can use the service.
New Anglia Growth Through Innovation Fund logo next to the EU flag accompanied by the words "European Union, European Regional Development Fund"
Grant received through the New Anglia Growth Through Innovation Fund, which is part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
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